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Contact us

Contact us -

Review the following list of elements shared by successful contact pages to learn about the features and best practices you should remember to include in your own . Great contact forms typically... 
  • Are easy to find so a visitor can quickly get in touch should they need it.
  • Explain why someone should contact them, and describe how they can help solve their visitors' problems.
  • Include an email and phone number so visitors can quickly find the right information.
  • Include a short form using fields that'll help the business understand who's contacting them.
  • Include a call-to-action to provide visitors with another option if they choose not to complete the form.
  • Showcase the company's thought leadership, whether that's by including a list of recent blog posts or articles about the company in the press.
  • Link to active social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to give visitors a way to engage with the business.
  • Redirect to a thank you page that explains when and how you'll be contacting them and links to helpful content and resources.
  • Are creative and memorable so visitors associate contacting your brand with a positive or funny memory.
  • Show off what your brand does so visitors and potential customers can get a sense of the work you do before they even get in touch.


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