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 Discipline -

Disciplin is probably one of the most mentioned word you heard while growing up. It never gets old because discipline is required in all stages of life. Being disciplined sounds like a very heavy thing but it is simply the act of obeying the rules set for you as a guide for behaviour. Guides for behaviour are mostly used in schools and organizations. At home, being disciplined is basically following the right thing and displaying acceptable behaviour according to morals. of indiscipline at school and at home were severe such that children opted to be in their best behaviour. Teachers have a hard task in shaping the behaviour of children and they had to be “bad cops” every time in order to ensure discipline of students. In professional lives, discipline and code of conduct for employees is controlled by leaders and managers. It is really hectic when it comes to discipline in adults because the forms of punishment as consequences of indiscipline are hard to apply on people you respect especially those who are older than you. As a manager, it is important that discipline is maintained.
Types of Discipline:
There are three types of discipline based on behaviour modification. These types of discipline are aimed at correcting misbehavior. Misbehavior is any behaviour that is inappropriate according to the guidelines for behaviour that are set for a specific area.
The first type of discipline is preventive discipline. This type of discipline focuses on preventing certain type of behaviour from being displayed by the subjects. It actually diverts them from misbehaving and cause improvements in that area. It has been used in most schools to prevent absurd behaviour among students due to the restrictions put in place by the guide for behaviour.
The other type is supportive discipline. This type of discipline is aimed at supporting the virtues in an individual like self-control and it helps them get back on track easily. It is supportive through provision of positive feedback to the subjects, showing interest in the activities of the subjects and helping the subjects whenever they have difficulties so as to encourage good behaviour.
The third type of discipline is corrective discipline. This discipline is involved with the problem and deals with it directly. This type of discipline is known to be uncomfortable and intimidating and so people try to avoid sing it. Despite the discomfort and intimidating effects, it is a very effective type because the subject will have to go through the consequences of their misbehavior. It has been used to cease disruptive behaviour among students and its effectiveness has been realized.
Principles of Discipline Management:
Discipline is not just performed by anyone in whichever way they like, it should follow the principles of discipline in order for it to be effective. Discipline should search for a balance between finding disciplinary action and its long term effects. As a parent or a teacher, it is upon you to discipline your child but how you do it matters because the child may end up having feelings of hate towards you, which leads to more inappropriate behaviour. The reason why teachers tend to quit their jobs within the first years of practice is the lack of finding a balance while controlling behaviour of a child.
Another principle is the use of affective approach in discipline. According to the theories by Freud Sigmoid and Carl Rodgers, behaviour, implications of how adults discipline children were felt differently and that is why an effective approach is preferred.
Behavioral approach to discipline is a principle that is vital in controlling behaviour. According to a behaviorist theory by Skinner, there is classical conditioning and operant conditioning, both aimed at controlling behaviour. Through positive and negative reinforcements, behaviour can be corrected and that makes the disciplining act successful.
Cognitive approach to discipline was developed due to the cognitive developmental theories. Controlling behaviour is highly dependent on the cognition because thought processes influence behaviour. Using the psychological approach to change someone’s thinking will result in change of behaviour. This approach works for all ages because cognitive development is for all stages of life.
Challenges Facing Discipline Management:
Management of discipline is affected by factors which challenge the process. One factor is the lack of effective communication. When the guide for behaviour has not clearly been communicated to the subjects, incidences of misbehavior may be noted. It would be inappropriate to discipline the subject because they had no idea it was a wrong thing to do. In order for discipline to be effective, clear communication of the required behaviour should be communicated.
Lack of respect to authority. As time goes by, we realize that respect diminishes especially in schools. In the olden times, teachers received utmost respect from the students, some were even feared. Nowadays, respect has deteriorated and most of the teachers are young. Discipline management in situations where leaders are not respected is sort of impossible.
Economic difficulties also contribute to ineffective discipline managements. Due to increase in population, management of discipline is hard because misbehavior incidences increase due to poverty and discipline management is compromised through these economic hardships. There are also less resources to use in discipline management.
Disruptive behavior of the leader causes ineffective discipline management. Disruptive behaviour of leaders is in the form of lack of interest in the activities of the subjects and the lack of commitment in improving the behaviour of their subjects. Leadership and management roles involve disciplining but that cannot be possible in situations where the leaders and managers lack interest in their subordinates. Leaders and managers should always take part in improving the behaviors and personalities of their subjects so that working with them become easier.


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