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What Is ITI and details his course ?

Hello Friends , 

 Today we will talk about what is ITI and how is this course done?& What is the age limit for this?What qualification is required to do this course?

So let's talk about our topic now.

ITI full form- 

ITI Best Career Opportunities-

Everybody wants to be successful in their lives through a good career in their life by reading and for the success of the day, the students also work very hard, but when the students take the test of class 10th and 12th If you pass it then what to do next to it, take a lot of dilemma and then pursue a degree in the form of an exam in front of them that no business Do a course that will make it easier to get jobs so that they have to face considerable confusion.

What is ITI Course-

  • ITI is a professional course whose full form is from the Industrial training institute. Industrial Training Institute, which is called Industrial Training Institute in Hindi, through ITI course, the students are trained to work in the Industrial Area ie ITI is a business course in which students are trained to work on the basis of industry. After doing that, students can apply for that field job.

Educational Qualification for ITI-

  • It is necessary for ITI course to be 10 or 12, after which ITI can apply for the course. If you have passed Tenth or Twelve exams and the result is still to come, you can apply for ITI.
  • But when you are selected for ITI course then the level you have applied on the tenth or twelfth exam is required to have the pass marks of examination only then you can get admission for the ITI course.

Age Limit for ITI-

  • The minimum age limit for ITI course ranges from 14 years to maximum age limit of 40 years. All people can apply for ITI course on the basis of compulsory qualification between this age.

ITI Course Duration-

  • ITI course is done after the tenth or twelfth century, which has a different trade which has courses from 1 year to 3 years. There are many courses in ITI which also has 6 months.

How to do ITI Courses-

Form for every year in the summer months for ITI course, as soon as you take the test of Tenth or XII, then you can apply form for Admission of ITI course. ITI Direct can apply to the official website of ITI Course. After which the call letter has to be given, you have to take the entrance test, after the result of which the merit list is formed, whose rank is high for that same ITI course Is selected.


Broadly speaking, there are two main types of ITI courses. They are –

  1. Engineering courses/trades
  1. Non-engineering courses/trades

Engineering courses are technical in nature. They focus on concepts of engineering, mathematics, science and technology.

Non-engineering courses, as the name suggests, are not usually technical in nature. They focus on soft skills, languages, and other sector-specific skills and knowledge. In this article, you will find both engineering and non-engineering trades.
This course has the following types of branches -

  • Draughtsman Civil
  • Draughtsman Mechanical
  • Electrician
  • Electronics Mechanic
  • IT and Electronics System Maintenance
  • Instrument Mechanic
  • Machinist Grinder
  • Mechanic Motor Vehicle
  • Radio and TV Mechanic
  • Radiology Technician
  • Insurance Agent
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioner Mechanic
  • Surveyor
  • Library and Information Science
  • Tool and Die Maker
  • Fitter
  • Machinist
  • Painter (Domestic)
  • Painter (Industrial).

How to Apply for ITI Course-

First of all, to apply ITI, there should be a soft copy of your document, which should contain the correct information of the photo, signature and all your qualifications and personal data, after which you can apply directly to the ITI's official website, for which ITI will have some You also have to pay form fees, which you can pay in online Payment Method, then after completing the form you can print the final page. The registration number will work for further.

ITI Course Fee-

  • If you apply for ITI course and your selection is done on the basis of Entrance Examination and Merit List, you get government school for ITI, where nomination fee is to be paid only and if your merit list is lying down a bit now you get a private school where the ITI course has to pay the full fee.
  • In this case, if you want to do ITI from a private college, you can also do ITI and if you have to do ITI from the government school then again you have to make preparations for next year.
Know this too.

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